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The Dew Breaker Essay Topic
Friday, August 28, 2020
An Analysis of Neologism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
An Analysis of Neologism - Research Paper Example On February 1, 2004, the American TV channel CBS disclosed the occasion which finishes each period of the National Football League (NFL), the Super Bowl. Communicate to 90 million individuals, the Super Bowl has an across the nation crowd of watchers all things considered and foundations. During this game, the halftime show diversion included a two part harmony between popular music performers Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson. Toward the finish of their melody, Timberlake finished an arranged move where he tore at Jackson’s garments. This movement caused a sudden and genuine tear of her outfit along these lines causing a couple of moments where her bosom was presented to the crowd. Almost immediately, open shock followed over the communicate bareness, which brought about Jackson presently broadly accusing the occurrence for a closet breakdown. As Joe Flint of the LA Times composed, this case of neologism speaks to â€Å"a express that turned out to be a piece of the lexico n†right away. Upon Jackson’s portrayal of this occurrence of a closet breakdown, this expression has mixed into all parts of basic utilization as it currently depicts any dress blunder. The most recent case of a closet breakdown in real life was seen at the 2011 Oscars where entertainer and vocalist Jennifer Lopez unintentionally uncovered her bosom while wearing a dress with an extremely low profile, uncovering neck area. With the foundation and birthplace of the neologism term â€Å"wardrobe malfunction†set up, this paper would now be able to advance to examine how the exploration on this point was finished. Catchphrases Upon picking the term â€Å"wardrobe malfunction†for this task, it was important to build up a rundown of watchwords with the end goal of exploration. Given the ongoing starting point of this term, the watchwords utilized for this pursuit remember explicit occurrences just as government guidelines for the theme itself. The catchphrases looked through included: - closet breakdown - government correspondences commission (FCC) - CBS - foulness - communicate guidelines - Super Bowl 2004 - Janet Jackson meet - Justin Timberlake and Jane t Jackson two part harmony - 2004 Super Bowl halftime appear - FCC guidelines With the understanding that the term â€Å"wardrobe malfunction†was made because of a mainstream society occasion, it appeared to be generally appropriate to lead research inside the extent of mainstream society distributions with an end goal to archive the responses to this occasion as they occurred, one might say. So as to guarantee that the examination discovered is from sources that are viewed as moral and have a high feeling of respectability, I scanned for news sources that had secured stories which highlighted my watchwords in the themes. I picked notable and set up papers, government strategies and court inclusion. The book reference toward the finish of the task records the six sources utilized for this task notwithstanding how they are included in the content. Bearings for Future Research Along with the book reference of references and foundation data on the neologism term of â€Å"wardr obe malfunction,†the selection of sources takes into account the kept checking of how this idea is utilized in mainstream society. The significance of following the utilization of this term is to figure out what the enduring impacts of this case of neologism will have on society. It is additionally worth nothing that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fire Prevention and Safety using modern technology Essay
Innovation has helped us in forestalling fire occurrences. Fire avoidance is a proactive method of limiting the harms or damage brought about by a fire occurrence. It is the duty of local groups of fire-fighters which generally have a Fire Prevention Officer as their head. The capacity of fire avoidance is to spread mindfulness on the most proficient method to play it safe against fire. Firemen, then again, are alloted the assignment of smothering flames. Firemen are likewise dependant on innovation to smother fire. All the types of gear they use are the outcome on innovation. To summarize it, innovation has helped us in forestalling fire just as quenching it when need be. Innovation has helped us upgrade our fire wellbeing measures. Fire wellbeing contains the insurances we take to diminish the likelihood of a fire that might be lethal, damaging to individuals and perilous to the property. This examination paper would dissect how innovation causes us forestall and stifle fire. Present day innovation has given us numerous sorts of gear that have helped us forestall fire occurrences. In a large portion of the structures today a fire retardant material is utilized during development. There are likewise some electronic gadgets, for example, the smoke alarms. The greatest indication of fire is the smoke. Any place there is fire, there is smoke. So the fire finders help recognize this manifestation. These gadgets are additionally truly reasonable. Many structure have smoke alarms in all rooms. It has become a fundamental home security machine. Smoke alarms are ideal for moderate fuel fires yet for burnable gas blasts present day innovation has thought of the gas finders. Smoke alarms are one of the most significant fire security gadgets. Flammable gas and oil gas are the two most generally utilized gases in every day lives. Because of their unsafe nature and properties, any gas breaks could bring about perilous blasts. Gas locators are constantly observing the air and they promptly distinguish the adjustment in environmental factors if there is a gas spillage. They accompany perceptible and visual caution frameworks to alarm individuals of the gas spillage. Subsequently, suitable move can be made so as to limit the results. Gas locators are a valuable development and ought to be situated where gas spills are generally anticipated. Another case of innovation that encourages us in forestalling fire is the alarm framework. The alarm frameworks come in different assortments. They run from the basic manual alerts to the ones that give verbal admonitions of any fire identification. A control board, notice gadget, building wellbeing interface and force flexibly make up a run of the mill alarm framework. The previously mentioned gas and smoke alarms are the inception gadgets that advise the alert that a fire has been recognized. Manual caution framework relies upon individuals to distinguish fire and pull the manual alert. A portion of different identifiers utilized are the fire indicators and the warmth finders. The warning gadgets help in advising the individuals to empty the structure in view of the fire. A considerable lot of these gadgets impart an immediate sign to the nearest local group of fire-fighters. A portion of these gadgets are worked to give verbal declarations, and furthermore a visual presentation for the conference disabled. The most present day of these gadgets that are introduced in enormous structures additionally give clearing directions with the goal that individuals empty the territory wherein fire was distinguished. There are different sorts of smoke alerts. They for the most part fall in the classes of ionization cautions and photoelectric alerts. The previous is better for quick blazing fire and the last is progressively suitable for the smoke fire. The mix of both these is the double sensor smoke alerts (US Fire Administration, 2010). Remote smoke alerts are one of the most recent innovative headway undoubtedly. The remote smoke alert come in two unique classes: Battery fueled and Alternate Current controlled. The battery controlled smoke alert is much the same as a typical alarm with no wire which spares the families the issue of wiring and reworking. The AC controlled caution frameworks is significantly more present day and help in expanding the inclusion of the alert framework. In this way, many smoke cautions can be supplant by only a solitary AC fueled alert framework A fire quencher, similar to the fire sprinkler framework, is a functioning fire insurance gadget rather a preventive one. It can not help in situations where there is an enormous crazy fire. In any case, it is generally proper for flames that are constrained to the roofs of the structures. There are two kinds of dousers: put away weight and cartridge-worked. In the put away weight fire quencher, the putting out fires operator and the expellant are put away in one chamber. Forces are picked remembering the idea of the putting out fires specialist. The nitrogen gas is utilized when the specialist is any dry concoction quencher. Air is utilized when there the watery or frothy substance dousers are available. Then again, in the cartridge worked dousers, the expellant gas and the putting out fires specialist are in various chambers. The cartridge containing the expellant is punctured before the charge and smothering operators are presented to one another. The cartridge worked quencher is for the most part utilized in enterprises where dousers must be utilized consistently. The advantage these quenchers give is the brief revive. The cartridge worked dousers utilize compacted carbon dioxide though the put away weight quenchers use nitrogen. Fire dousers can be additionally classified into handheld and truck mounted quenchers. Truck mounted dousers are otherwise called wheeled quenchers. Handheld quenchers are generally utilized in homes or little work environments or schools. The wheeled quenchers are utilized in mechanical destinations, marines, air terminals, docks and heliports. They are a lot bigger in size and massive in weight. A fire sprinkler framework contains a water gracefully that helps in stifling the fire. It's anything but a preventive instrument yet rather a fix. It supplies water with adequate weight similarly as the fire is distinguished. At first costly, it has gotten increasingly moderate with the progression of time. Just a not very many individuals have a fire sprinkler framework introduced at their homes. Anyway a large portion of them have smoke alarms. Smoke alarms are significant for the building’s wellbeing. Be that as it may, the most ideal wellbeing accompanies the establishment of fire sprinklers. They don't simply assist you with identifying fire yet not at all like the smoke alarms they help quenching it and sparing lives. It is famous in enterprises yet at the same time isn't a lot of used in living arrangements. Smoke alarms and sprinklers work best together. Smoke alarms distinguish the fire and set off the sprinklers. Sprinklers flexibly water with pressure and stifle the fire. The main hindrance of introducing a fire sprinkler is that ones the fire has been quenched individuals understand that every one of their things have been absorbed water. Anyway this is a little cost to pay if the sprinklers help spare us our life (Smith, 2008). Innovation has been a crucial wellspring of fire security. Innovation has consistently been a wellspring of contention: some kindness it, other contradict it. Where a few people say that innovation itself is the wellspring of most fire episodes, others contend that innovation has thought of types of gear and gadgets, for example, different fire finders and quenchers. The commitment of innovation in fire wellbeing can not be overlooked. To forestall fire, innovation has given us smoke alarms, heat indicators, gas identifiers, fire finders and an assortment of alarm frameworks. To quench fire, innovation has accommodated us a few sorts of fire dousers and fire sprinkler frameworks. We should all utilize such gadgets and limit the harm that fire can cause us. Fire episodes are normal and it would be a mix-up on our part on the off chance that we overlook threats it can cause. References Bellis. M, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://creators. about. com/library/innovators/blfiresprinkler. htmUK Fire Service Resources Edwards. T, (2009), Automatic Fire Sprinklers for Your Home, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://ezinearticles. com/? Programmed Fire-Sprinklers-For-Your-Home&id=321091Group, (2009), Smoke Alarms and Detectors, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://www. fireservice. co. uk/wellbeing/smokealarms. php Safety Products Unlimited, (2009), Kidde Wireless System Components, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://safetyproductsunlimited. com/wireless_smoke_alarm. html Smith R J, (2008), Residential Fire Sprinkler System Advantages, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://ezinearticles. com/? Private Fire-Sprinkler-System-Advantages&id=1388738 Santarpia. F, (2010), greater security with a fire sprinkler in your home, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://ezinearticles. com/? More-Security-With-a-Fire-Sprinkler-in-Your-House&id=2229457 US Fire Administration, (December 17, 2010) Smoke Alarms, Retrieved May 22, 2010 from: http://www. usfa. dhs. gov/residents/all_citizens/home_fire_prev/cautions/
Friday, August 21, 2020
MEMS Devices Electret Condenser Microphone
Question: Examine about theMEMS Devices for Electret Condenser Microphone. Answer: Presentation In this report, conversations would be made on MEMS based Hearing Aids Device which is at present being considered as the best option of electret condenser receiver (ECM) portable amplifiers frameworks that are customarily prescribed to patients having hearing issues. The fundamental data of the framework would be examined, alongside the techniques for activity, moral contemplations, and focal points of the equivalent over the ECM. Other than this, responses to the post action questions would likewise be remembered for the report. MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device: Basic data Utilization of MEMS based Hearing Aids Device As indicated by the reports of the World Health Organization, roughly 5 million individuals dwelling in the United Kingdom experience issues with hearing (Wang et al. 2015). Be that as it may, just 25 percent of these individuals utilize listening devices, and even the individuals who utilize these frameworks deliberately sit tight for at any rate 10 years for doing as such. Analysts Raj et al. (2015) are of the conclusion that low adoptability pace of listening devices has a few components related with it: absence of style, value, corrective issue, absence of solace and size being the essential ones. The creators are additionally of the sentiment that MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices are well known among those specific pieces of the populace who are hesitant to receive portable hearing assistants because of the expense and absence of tasteful estimations of the gadgets, disregarding not having the option to hear appropriately. Sort of the MEMS Device Creators Dwivedi and Khanna (2015) have called attention to the way that MEMS gadget can be arranged in the accompanying gatherings dependent on the kind of sensor utilized in the equivalent: Gadgets utilizing power sensors Gadgets utilizing accelerometers Gadgets utilizing pressure sensors and Gadgets utilizing mugginess sensors MEMS based Hearing Aid Devices use constrain sensors to distinguish any approaching sound, which is the changed over to a sign of higher adequacy (Raj et al. 2015). MEMS Based Hearing Aid Device: Method of Operation Specialists Killion et al. (2016) have clarified the method of activities of MEMS based Hearing Aid Devices in an itemized way. As indicated by them, the gadget comprises of a stomach that can openly move over a fixed back plate. The stomach and the backplate are encased inside a silicon wafer, and the whole arrangement acts like a variable capacitor and an electrical sign is applied between the two. Approaching sound weight waves, that enter the silicon wafer through the gaps, cause development of the stomach to move away from the back plate, thusly differing the capacitance between the two. Figure: Changes in capacitance between the stomach and fixed back plate of MEMS (Source: Chang 2017, pp-15) This adjustment in capacitance, on the use of a steady charge, changes over into an electrical sign. The electrical sign is then enhanced and reconverted into sound vitality (Chang 2017). Along these lines, the client gets the opportunity to hear a much-enhanced adaptation of the approaching sound. Utilization of MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device in the field of medication As indicated by Popelka and Moore (2016), the use of MEMS innovation has made it conceivable to create portable amplifier gadgets that despite being little in size, are equipped for producing excellent sound. Other than this, such gadgets coordinate the capacities of customary ECM based hearing gadgets as far as moderateness and unwavering quality. Then again, the utilization of MEMS innovation has encouraged the way toward lessening the size of the gadgets to such a degree, that at present, such gadgets show up practically imperceptible to the outside world (Dwivedi and Khanna 2015). In this way, MEMS based portable hearing assistant gadgets have really disposed of the social disgrace factor related with the low pace of selection of listening devices. Moral Implications of MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device As indicated by specialists Popelka and Moore (2016), MEMS based hearing gadgets have been without a doubt conceived remembering the advantage of the clients. Anyway the novel aim has not been equipped for destroying a portion of the moral difficulties that are related with the utilization of present day deices for medicinal services rehearses. The creators have featured two such difficulties, in particular: Acts of neglect by clinical specialists: According to the scientists, the accessibility of the new innovation may support certain segments of the doctors to recommend the equivalent to patients without considering whatever other elements that may prompt troubles in hearing (Killion et al. 2016). Corruption of patient-specialist security: The accessibility of MEMS based hearing gadgets in the market may really empower individuals experiencing hearing issues to begin receiving them with no discussion with the doctors (Dwivedi and Khanna 2015). MEMS Based Hearing Aids Device V/s Traditional Methods As called attention to by Chang (2017), MEMS listening device gadgets are reasonable to the regular mass, however has are additionally fit for offering top notch types of assistance to the clients. The unparalleled stylish estimations of the equivalent likewise make the gadgets definitely more worthy than the conventional ECM gadgets that have been used for long. In this way, it very well may be said that the MEMS hearing gadgets give better offices to the clients when contrasted with customary frameworks. Post-Activity Questions Constraints to utilizing MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices The exploration work led for building up this report demonstrates that starting at now, no specific confinement of utilizing MEMS based Hearing Aids Devices has been recognized. Preferences of utilizing a MEMS gadget over past strategies The benefits of utilizing MEMS portable amplifier gadgets are: The gadgets are little in size and are tastefully constructed (Chang 2017). The gadgets offer quality types of assistance to the clients. The gadgets are cost proficient. Potential or existing utilization of MEMS in farming In the field of horticulture, look into works are being directed with the point of creating sensors that can identify the nearness of pathogens in domesticated animals items (Valente 2017). In any case, MEMS based sensors equipped for estimating the dampness substance of soils have for quite some time been used in rural fields (Palaparthy, Baghini, and Singh 2013). Constraints of MEMS and MEMS gadgets in supplanting existing full scale electromechanical gadgets No such practical confinement of MEMS listening device gadgets has been recognized starting at now, that may go about as an imperative to utilize equivalent to a substitution of existing ECM gadgets (Raj et al. 2015). Ends Microelectromechanical frameworks (MEMS) or gadgets can be characterized as a reconciliation of electrical and mechanical gadgets, which when developed on ICs are fit for directing the operational exercises of customary macroelectromechanical gadgets. The conversation made in this paper feature the wide scope of uses of such gadgets in supporting individuals having issues with hearing. References Chang, C.S., 2017. Improvement and Research of Digital Hearing Aid. Dwivedi, A. furthermore, Khanna, G., 2015. Execution assessment of MEMS based capacitive weight sensor for hearing aid.International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS),2. Killion, M.C., Van Halteren, A., Stenfelt, S. furthermore, Warren, D.M., 2016. Listening device Transducers. InHearing Aids(pp. 59-92). Springer International Publishing. Palaparthy, V.S., Baghini, M.S. furthermore, Singh, D.N., 2013. Audit of polymer-based sensors for agribusiness related applications.Emerging Materials Research,2(4), pp.166-180. Popelka, G.R. furthermore, Moore, B.C., 2016. Future Directions for Hearing Aid Development. InHearing Aids(pp. 323-333). Springer International Publishing. Raj, A., James, A., Mathew, A., James, A. furthermore, Kirubaraj, A., 2015, February. Model structure of MEMS based acoustic sensor for cochlear embed wearable innovation. InElectronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), 2015 second International Conference on(pp. 350-352). IEEE. Valente, A., 2017. MEMS Devices in Agriculture. InAdvanced Mechatronics and MEMS Devices II(pp. 367-385). Springer International Publishing. Wang, Z., Zou, Q., Song, Q. also, Tao, J., 2015, June. The period of silicon MEMS mouthpiece and look past. InSolid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 Transducers-2015 eighteenth International Conference on(pp. 375-378). IEEE.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Most Noticeable Gre Essay Portion Samples
Most Noticeable Gre Essay Portion Samples In every one of the 3 body paragraphs of your essay, you should talk about the 3 main parts of the argument that go to demonstrate your point. You won't be requested to write about a particular topic so much as you'll be requested to respond to a particular scenario. As soon as you've gotten your general structure, it's time to be certain that your paragraphs go in logical purchase. One of the absolute most important features about a compelling essay is its capacity to convince the reader by way of sound logical reasoning. Since you may see, the longer the essay, the greater the grades. The grading happens instantaneously, and when you submit your essay, you will get a composite AWA score, together with several metrics on which your essay was graded. Most students believe that essay length the only important aspect in regards to AWA scoring. The fundamental structure of essays is the exact same everywhere, and this site is actually useful in grading your essays. There are quite a lot of sites that can help you in evaluating your essays and also in supplying you with useful GRE sample essays. LiveGrader will also supply you with personalized feedback. To begin with, utilize the perfect-scoring sample GRE essays within this guide as models of potential tactics to do the essay tasks. Or, to actually get a feeling of the way the scores work, have a peek at a couple of sample essays. Nowadays you know what it requires to receive an ideal essay score. The best method to find out how to find a high Analytical Writing score is to examine a GRE essay sample, but doing so with no guidance can be overwhelming. Possessing a few minor errors in your essay is fine, so long as the errors don't help it become impossible to comprehend what you're attempting to say. There are scores and scores of mock essays on the net, and with a very simple google search, you can get access to different essays for the GRE. Simply take a couple of minutes to plan your response and compose an outline before beginning your essay. Take the time to proofread your essay, as soon as you finish writing it. Just because it's possible to determine each thing wrong with the argument doesn't imply that you should do it in your essay. Now, a lot of people don't know the best ways of tackling gre essay topics. To make sure that you will locate a complete answer to every question, we've got a support team that's always online. The Ultimate Gre Essay Portion Samples Trick The first facet of the essay we'll analyze is the way that it succeeds in identifying and examining the sections of the argument that relate to the endeavor. Each paragraph within the body of this perceptive essay identifies and examines an unstated assumption that is essential to the argument. The essays have to be written with respect to the provided instructions. You concentrate on the validity or otherwise of the arguments offered in the essay. At this time you've got to be in a position to understand the differences between both topics you'll be presented with. You are able to then practice replicating successfu l connections between ideas in your practice essays. Just scanning through these 2 lists of essay topics will provide you with a great idea of the kinds of issues and arguments that appear on test day. You must take many different factors into account, if you wish to get anywhere near the ideal score. Gre Essay Portion Samples - What Is It? The writing sample is a far lower priority than GRE prep, therefore we recommend that you jump ahead to the GRE program. The Analytical Writing section of the exam tests your analytical writing and critical thinking skills, though it does not test your understanding of particular content. You may also access your score on the site, once it's been posted. You will get your essay scores approximately 10-15 days following your test date. If you would like to take the GRE General Exam, you will want to prepare an account online, pay the necessary fees and register for the exam you want to take. It's generally clubbed with the verbal section concerning preparation for GRE. Thousands of GRE aspirants visit these forums each day, and if you're able to post your essay and request some feedback, more frequently than not, someone will supply you with the crucial support. Test takers around the world believe they can easily master AWA in a day or two.
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Importance of Managing Risk - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2487 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Review Did you like this example? Introduction A variety of academics have provided numerous definitions of risk, with some being centred around a specific business environment and others being a more generic definition of risk. A comprehensive risk definition that is tailored around the business environment can be defined as an event that will likely lead to substantial losses for an organisation, which could also be made more dangerous by the likelihood of the risk event occurring (Harland, et al., 2003). Furthermore, The English Oxford Dictionary defines risk as A situation involving exposure to danger or The possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Importance of Managing Risk" essay for you Create order (Oxford Dictionary, 2015) Kaplan and Garrick (1981, p. 12) provide a simple equation for risk, which is risk = uncertainty + damage. They believe that it is irrelevant as to what context risk exists in, and that the same equation can always be used to identify and manage risk. However, risk can still be categorised differently depending on what facet of the organisation it is affecting. For example, supply chain risk can be defined as the variation in the distribution of possible supply chain outcomes, their likelihood, and their subjective values (March Shapira, 1987, p. 1404). This is quite different to other, more generalised definitions of risk. Risk Management Before a risk management strategy can be decided upon, the risk event must first be identified. An organisation should conduct three steps before deciding on the best risk management strategy to use. As risk management can use a substantial amount of resources, clarification and direction should be decided upon before conducting risk management. The three factors are (Stanleigh, 2015); Identification of the risk: The organisation should first review all of the possible risk sources. Furthermore, they could use a risk assessment tool to identify the risk event that may occur. Assessment of the possible risk event: Once the organisation has identified the risk, they must assess the potential damage that the risk even could case. As previously stated, the severity of the risk is an extremely important factor for an organisation to consider, as it will help shape and design any relevant risk management strategies. Develop an educated response to the risk event: After the risk has been successfully identified and assessed, the organisation can begin to decide what resources may be needed to limit or completely negate the potential risk event. Once an organisation has identified any unexpected risk events that may occur, they must focus all their resources of deciding which risk event should be tackled first. Most organisations will have a limited amount of resources, and will only be able to tackle one of two risk events at a time. If a plethora of risk events are likely to occur, this means prioritising which ones to minimise. This means that companies have to assess the impact that a risk event can have on an organisations financial and market performance, and focus all their resources to eliminate the most dangerous risks first. Risk management is imperative, and executing it unsuccessfully can have severe impact on an organisation. The extent of the consequence for not managing risk will be dependent on the risk event, but can have impacts such as; financial loss, employee injury, business interruption, damaged reputation or failing to achieve corporate objectives (SCU, 2015). There are a plethora of other potent ial consequences for not managing risk, all unique to the particular risk event, but none will other anything positive to business performance. This highlights the significance for an organisation to conduct risk management successfully. There are a few different frameworks and ideas that exist to help an organisation prioritise which risk event they should focus on minimising. One of the most comprehensive frameworks for prioritising risk is the probability and impact framework. This framework depicts independent, variability and ambiguity risks, and measures the probability that these risk events may occur and the severity they may have for the organisation if they were to ever occur. These findings can be summarised in a probability-impact matrix which is where the probability and impacts of each risk are assessed against defined scales, and plotted on a two dimensional grid (Hillson, 2001, p. 237). Furthermore, there are a few other methods for prioritising which risk even t to tackle. Risk events can also be ranked using multi-attribute techniques. For companies that want to adopt a more adaptable risk priority technique, the multi-attribute method would be preferred. This is because the attributes of interest can be selected based on the interests and prioritisation of the organisation and any relevant stakeholders. This has many similarities to a probability impact matrix, but offers a more creative and free way to define variables that will be used to prioritise risk. There are variations of this technique, including a bubble chart, risk prioritisation chart, uncertainty-importance matrix and high level risk model (Hopkinson, et al., 2008). The final technique that will be covered for prioritising risk is the use of quantitative models and techniques. These methods are not as rigorous as the previous methods, however they do still offer a few benefits for a company. The main reason a company will use a quantitative risk priority method is becau se it is an incredibly cheap method, that requires little, to no, preparation and planning. (Hopkinson, et al., 2008). This means that a quantitative risk priority method will be preferred for companies that want to prioritise risks efficiently, at a cheap cost, and using the least amount of resources as possible. Once the risk has been successfully prioritised, it must also be thoroughly assessed. There exist a few different methods of assessing risks, with two prominent methods of risk assessment being quantitative risk assessment and comparative risk assessment. Quantitative risk assessment relates to an activity or substance and attempts to quantify the probability of adverse effects due to exposure. In contrast, comparative risk assessment is a procedure used for ranking risk issues by their severity in order to prioritize and justify resource allocation (Hester Harrison, 1998, p. 2). Furthermore, comparative risk assessment is becoming the preferred method of risk asses sment for many companies across the world. This is because a comparative risk assessment has been found to be more thorough and rigorous and pinpointing the details and severity of a risk event. Furthermore, a comparative risk assessment aims to identify the more serious risk event, before moving onto tackling any other risk events. (Finkel, 1994, p. 337). There is also one other method for assessing risk events. This is through the use of the comprehensive outsource risk evaluation (CORE) system. This is a tool developed by Microsoft and Arthur Anderson to aid a company in identifying, assessing and preventing any risk events. (Michalski, 2000). The tool identifies a total of 19 risk factors and categorises them into four different sub-categories; infrastructure, business controls, business values and relationships. This gives organisations a lot of freedom, as each individual company can decide on the importance of each factor, dependent on the significant it has towards the da y-to-day activities of the organisations operations. Furthermore, after the risk has been successfully assessed through the use of CORE, it is analysed objectively through the organisations financial data and subjectively through the measurement of relationships and integration within the firm. It becomes quickly apparent that the majority risk assessment methods and techniques share a common theme, predominantly the measurement of the probability and impact of potential risk events that could occur and effect an organisations daily operations (Yates Stone, 1992; Hallikas, et al., 2002). This highlights the importance of risk assessment, and why it is an imperative skill that a risk manager should become adept at utilising. There is also one other factor that may be taken into consideration when deciding on a risk management strategy, that is the character and personality of the manager. Certain managers will follow traditional methods and not take advice from others, which a lso means they will not be willing to adapt to a risk management strategy they are unaware of, even if it proves to be more successful. After a company successfully completes the three steps mentioned above, identification, assessment and development of a response, they will be able to proceed with the fourth step. The final stage is deciding and implementing the preferred risk strategy, which has been decided through the aforementioned three steps, to best limit or negate the potential risk event. A risk management strategy is focused on identifying and assessing the probabilities and consequences of risks, and selecting appropriate risk strategies to reduce the probability of, or losses associated with, adverse events. Risk mitigation focuses on reducing the consequences if an adverse event is realised (Manuj Mentzer, 2008, p. 141). Although there exist a plethora of risk management strategies, with some being more beneficial dependent on the situation, three key risk manag ement strategies are (Norman Jansson, 2004; Juttner, et al., 2003) The Avoidance Strategy: There are two main types of avoidance strategy. The first type is where an organisation will attempt to drive the probability of a risk event occuring down to zero, or as close to zero as possible. Furthermore, the second type of avoidance strategy is where an organisation is attempting to predict the risk event. This will allow them to set in place any contigency plans to try and limit the impact to zero or as close to zero as possible. Both of these strategies have a considerable amount of uncertainty about them, as it can be very hard for an organisation to predict the details of a risk event, or the implications that one might hold for the company. The Security Strategy: A risk management security strategy seeks to minimise the risk of any event occuring. This is very similar to the avoidance strategy, however it acknowledges the fact that a risk event is going to occur, and merely tries to protect the organisation as much as possible from any effects the risk event may cause. Implementing a security strategy can be achieved via number of ways, including working closely with any local governments, proactively complying with regulations or ensuring internal security over the organisation and its resources. Control/share/transfer: This strategy can take the form of vertical intergration. This furthers the ability of a manager within an organisation to control more processes, systems methods and decision. Having greater control of the day-to-day operations of a company can help minimise the probability and impact of risk. This is because it can help spread the risk over many operations, and thus reducing the severity of the risk event. However, the need for greater control can also cause the need for greater side intergration (Anderson Gatignon, 1986), which can be difficult for companies to achieve. If the risk event will cause significant issues for an organisation, and is considered a high risk, then a company should aim to utilise an avoidance strategy. This would be best because it would minimise or completely deplete the probability of that risk event occurring. However, this can come at a huge expense to the organisation, and consumer a substantial amount of resources. On the other hand, if the risk event will have a limited impact on a companys performance, and is considered a low risk event, then a security strategy may be more suitable as it will protect the companys operations and resources from the risk event. Deciding on the most optimum risk management strategy to use can be an incredibly difficult job for any manager to accomplish. If the manager chooses the wrong risk management strategy then the risk event could cause substantial problems towards the organisations financial and market performance. One of the most significant factors that can affect the decis ion of which risk strategy to pursue is the severity of the risk (OSBIE, 2015). Conclusion There are a variety of steps that a risk manager should go through in order to successfully implement a risk management strategy. One of the most importance stages of this process is to spend ample time identifying and assessing the risk, so that a clear and concise strategy can be decided upon. If the risk manager acts without knowledge, then they could implement the wrong risk manager strategy, thus wasting resources and still allowing the risk event occur. Furthermore, the risk manager should attempt to utilise an avoidance strategy in most instances, by predicting any likely risk events that may occur and putting in place any relevant contingency plans to handle these events. However, due to a number of factors including limited resources, it is not always possible for a company to do this, in which case they should focus on a risk management strategy that limits the effects of the risk event, instead of avoiding it completely. The majority of risk events can be spotted with careful planning and analysis, and some sort of action can be put in motion to at least limit the effects of the risk event that will occur. Bibliography Anderson, E. Gatignon, H., 1986. Models of foreign entry: a transaction cost analysis and propositions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay The Character of Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby
The Character of Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby Time tells us that success often comes with a price. Often money will create more problems than it can solve. The richness of a person’s soul can be hidden in the folds of money. Such is the case of Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is constantly altering in the readers mind due to the various puzzling events that transpire in the novel creating a level of mystery. First off, Gatsby is a man who feels secure in his privacy and allows very few people into his personal life due to lack of trust. Jay often throws parties at his lavish house, only to shrink away from contact with his various guests that frolic in his privately funded bashes. He does not drink, mainly because he has a high†¦show more content†¦Only when Gatsby produces a metal of valor earned in the war does Nick believe in his war service stories. Even then Nick has a hard time believing Gatsby’s educational background because of his uncomfortable declaration that he attended Oxford, a very prestigious English university. Trust is not a strong point of Gastby’s makeup and lifestyle. Therefore, when looking at Gatsby’s most impressive traits one thing that pops up is his energetic smile, vibrant personality, and loyalty to those who he respects or cares about. It is important to mention the fact that Gatsby always seemed to make every person feel important and at ease while conversing with him. It was his nature to express courtesy to any guest he came in contact with, no matter how insignificant they were or what their occupation was. As far as loyalty is concerned, it is best represented in his devotion to Daisy Buchanan. With his money and notoriety he could have easily have had numerous love opportunities. He sacrificed all openings for love as he stoked the coals trying to ignite a past flame with a married women. Even when Jay and Daisy’s relationship was over in the readers mind Gatsby still clung to a hope of having a life with her. He loyally stayed at her house to the wee hours of the morning, convinced her husband was a live wire that could erupt and physically punish his wife. This he displayed to a women that is impossible to love anyone butShow MoreRelated Comparison of the Presentation of the Characters Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver from The Great Gatsby5279 Words  | 22 PagesComparison of the Presentation of the Characters Jay Gatsby and Dick Diver from The Great Gatsby      F. Scott Fitzgerald is known as a writer who chronicled his times. This work has been critically acclaimed for portraying the sentiments of the American people during the 1920s and 1930s. ‘The Great Gatsby’ was written in 1924, whilst the Fitzgeralds were staying on the French Riviera, and ‘Tender is the Night’ was written nearly ten years later, is set on, among other places, the Riviera.Read MoreCharacter Analysis of Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald999 Words  | 4 Pages The Great Gatsby is an extraordinary novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who tells the story about the wealthy man of Long Island named, Jay Gatsby, a middle aged man with a mysterious past, who lives at a gothic mansion and hosts many parties with many strangers who were not entirely invited. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, many characters are discussed uniquely to an extent from the festive, yet status hungry Roaring Twenties. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald introducesRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1413 Words  | 6 PagesAmy Zaragoza Mr. Crook AP Language and Composition Period 1 August 29, 2014 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald 180 Pages 1925 Point of View The Great Gatsby is told in first person, through the eyes of Nick Carraway. Nick Carraway is the protagonist of the novel. By having Nick Carraway as the narrator, readers get to experience what it is like to live in a wealthy, elegant world. Carraway utilized his point of view by showing readers the pointRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1562 Words  | 7 Pageswas having the best time of their lives. An example of these extravagant times was in the the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Who shows that money can corrupt a person s relationship with others. Set in Long Island a town called West Egg in the 1920s, the novel The Great Gatsby shows how relationships have a big meaning in what people s lives are really about. It turns the characters into only caring about money and their social status. Money controls their every move, and with justRead MoreEssay Comparison The Great Gatsby and The Talented Mr. Ripley1689 Words  | 7 PagesThe Gr eat Gatsby and The Talented Mr. Ripley It can be seen that The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald is one the greatest novels of all time. Its method to depict The American Dream has been attempted to be matched an uncountable amount of times. Other aspects used in The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald, have also been employed in many forms of media such as novel and movies. One that has done particularly well to employ them is the 1999 motion picture The Talented Mr. Ripley, directedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1599 Words  | 7 Pagespopular novels is named The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is written to reproduce the environment that Fitzgerald was living in. This semiautobiographical work uses fictitious characters to portray how people around Fitzgerald acted and what the overall theme of America was at this point in time. The years that ensued World War I were known for mass productions of alcohol, grand parties, and greed for money. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald depicts America through J ay Gatsby, expresses the conditionRead MoreCompare And Contrast Jack And Jay Gatsby932 Words  | 4 PagesJack and Jay Gatsby made a name for themselves, but they each achieved their goals in different manners. Jack from Fifty Grand and Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby were two of the many Hemingway and Fitzgerald created characters that we learned about in class. They had many similarities, however at times they were are completely opposite, for those reasons I have used them as my selected characters to compare and contrast. Jack and Jay Gatsby both had great success but regardless they both riskedRead MoreAchieving Dreams Illegally1543 Words  | 7 Pageswere many cases of specific people and even characters who were famous for their involvement in organized crime during the 1920s. One of these characters was Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, may have even based this character after one of the most well-known organized criminals of the time. Jay Gatsby becomes involved in crime to try and win over the love of his life, who he had left five years back. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the negativeRead MoreDifference Between Illusion And Reality In The Great Gatsby1024 Words  | 5 Pagesreality and illusion? Fitzgerald shows this with the character Jay Gatsby. It can be hard to tell the difference between illusion and reality because we are so numb to it. Reality television is an ironic name for something so False it is not even close to the eve ryday life of a normal American, so from the day we’re old enough to watch tv we are exposed to illusion. The title â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is an accurate title for this book because it depicts Gatsby correctly; Magicians are viewed in admiration becauseRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1286 Words  | 6 PagesLiterary devices are prominent in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing of The Great Gatsby. To begun, he makes use of many allusions to Arthurian legends, the philosopher Plato, Trimalchio, and Christ. Furthermore, to better understand the characters, he utilizes symbolism. In conclusion, throughout The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald incorporates subtle, yet flawless use of literary devices to aid in the development of characters and theme. First and foremost, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Frederick Douglass Importance of Education free essay sample
Throughout Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, the importance of education becomes apparent as Frederick Douglass’ opinion wavers. Towards the beginning of the narrative, Douglass is eager to learn, and when his master forbids his learning, it only fuels his desire to further his education. Once he is finally able to read, however, he becomes restless with his life and blames education for his discontent. Ultimately, though, he views education as vital to his freedom from slavery and realizes that he can put his education to good use, helping other slaves to freedom. Frederick Douglass comes to see the power of education when he moves in with the Aulds. When he is first living with them, Mrs. Auld starts to teach him the basics of reading and writing. He is content and eager to learn, until Mr. Auld prohibits his wife from furthering Douglass’ education, saying, â€Å"If you teach that nigger how to read, there would be no keeping him. We will write a custom essay sample on Frederick Douglass Importance of Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It would forever unfit him to be a slave. As to himself it would do him no good. It would make him discontented and unhappy†(Douglass 22). Instead of discouraging his education, however, this only prompts Douglass to learn more, as he now understands that education is key in his escape from a life of slavery. Douglass soon finds new means of education in the young white boys that live near him, who will occasionally give him lessons in return for bread. Just as Mr. Auld had predicted, as soon as Douglass is able to read on his own, he begins to become discontent and restless with his life. His education had â€Å"opened [his] eyes to the horrible pit, but offered no ladder upon which to get out†(Douglass 26). At times Douglass finds himself envious of the lack of knowledge of the other slaves around him, as he is now aware of his foul quality of life, but can find no way of relief. â€Å"I often found myself regretting my own existence, and wishing myself dead; and but for the hope of being free, I have no doubt but that I should haven killed myself, or done something for which I should have been killed†(Douglass 26). This quote is an example of just how disturbed and discontented Douglass is with his quality of life. The more Douglass reads, the more frustrated he feels, as he comes to believe that his masters are no more then â€Å"successful robbers†who took his people from their homes and enslaved them . Although having an education seems like a curse to Frederick Douglass at times, he comes to view education as essential to his escape from slavery. Through reading, Douglass becomes aware of the abolitionist movement in the northern part of the United States. As a result, he is able to eventually find a way to run away to the north, and start a new life for himself as a free man. He soon puts his education to good use and starts writing Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, in hopes that it will have a big enough impact on people to help other slaves be emancipated from their tragic reality of slavery. Despite the fact that Frederick Douglass’ education sometimes felt like a burden, he would not have been able to escape to freedom without it. Because of his motivation to learn early in life, he was eventually able to understand the abolitionist movement and run away to the north. He used his education to write one of the most influential works of literature to help the emancipation movement in the United States.
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