Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Guide to Conjugating Battre (to Beat)

A Guide to Conjugating Battre (to Beat) The French word battre means to beat. (The reflexive se battre means to fight, as does the verb combattre.) It is an irregular -re verb, meaning youll have to memorize the conjugations, rather than rely knowing on the regular -re conjugation pattern. How to Conjugate the French Verb Battre You can start as you would when conjugating a regular -re verb and determine the stem by dropping the -re (batt-). Heres where things deviate from a regular verb: In the present tense, the singular forms also drop the second t. These charts show you how to conjugate this irregular verb. (Other verbs that include battre, like  abattre, combattre  and dà ©battre, also follow this irregular pattern.) Present Future Imperfect Present Participle je bats battrai battais battant tu bats battras battais il bat battra battait nous battons battrons battions vous battez battrez battiez ils battent battront battaient Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je batte battrais battis battisse tu battes battrais battis battisses il batte battrait battit battt nous battions battrions battmes battissons vous battiez battriez batttes battissiez ils battent battraient battirent battissent   Ã‚  Imperative(tu)bats(nous)battons(vous)battez How to Use  Battre  in the Past Tense Though this is a lesson about simple conjugation, its important to touch on the compound tense passà © composà ©, as it is the most common way to put something in the past tense in French. For battre, the auxiliary verb is avoir and the past participle is battu. For example: Il a battu les oeufs avec une fourchette.He beat the eggs with a fork.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Explanation and Examples of Wo and Da in German

Explanation and Examples of Wo and Da in German One of the things that can make translating other languages difficult for many is that the rules of grammar change with each language. Knowing the correct word order can be difficult if you dont understand the rules o the language youre learning. In English, adverbs usually come after prepositions but in German, it is the opposite. The adverbs wo and da coupled with prepositions become helpful tools in day-to-day German conversation. By themselves, wo means where and da means there, but by adding prepositions, it changes their whole meaning. Its important that people learning German understand how prepositions can alter these common words if they want to be understood. Wo Preposition Wo preposition is useful when asking questions for clarification such as in Worauf wartet er? (What is he waiting for?) Notice that the translation for worauf is for what- not a literal translation. Thats because many of the wo prepositions replace the colloquial, but incorrect German word combination preposition was. (incorrect - Fà ¼r was ist das?, correct - Wofà ¼r ist das?) Since the incorrect German version of preposition was most closely resembles the English translation, English speakers find it difficult to overcome this natural tendency of question formation. Thats why it is important that English-speaking students of German learn early on to incorporate the use of ​wo-words in their conversation. Da Preposition Similarly, the da preposition combinations cannot always be translated literally. It all depends on context. Sometimes da will keep its there meaning if it refers to a location. At other times the word means something closer to the English that. Understanding this difference is important for students of German who want to make sure their speech is grammatically correct even if their meaning is still understood. For example: Was kommt daraus? (What is coming out from there?) Was konntest du daraus feststellen? (What were you able to determine from that?) Da- words are very useful so as to not sound redundant. For example, if someone were to ask you Bist du mit diesem Zeitplan einverstanden? The shorter response would be Ich bin damit einverstanden, instead of reiterating the noun. Examples of Wo and Da Use Below you will find a list of some common wo- and da- compounds. Take note that if the preposition starts with a vowel then it will be preceded by an –r- when combining it with either wo or da. ( unter - darunter) bei by - wobei – dabeidurch through - wodurch – dadurchfà ¼r for - wofà ¼r – dafà ¼rgegen against - wogegen - dagegenher (prefix) coming from - woher – daherhin (prefix) going to - wohin – dahinmit with - womit – damitnach after - wonach – danachan on, at, to - woran – daranauf on - worauf – daraufaus out of, from - woraus – darausin in - worin – darinà ¼ber over, above - worà ¼ber – darà ¼berunter under, underneath - worunter – daruntervon from - wovon – davonvor before, in front of - wovor – davorzu to, at - wozu – dazu

Thursday, November 21, 2019

McClellands Learned Needs Theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

McClellands Learned Needs Theory - Assignment Example The individuals, who are achievement based, avoid both high and low risks and avoid norms for the fear of rejection at their workplace (Daft & Lane, 2008). Besides the need for the achievement, other people have a need for affiliation. This kind of people prefers to create and maintain social relationships and enjoys being a part of a particular group. They adhere to the norms in that culture, and they do not change them for the fear of rejection in their workplace. In addition, they prefer collaboration to competition and dislike high uncertainties and risks situations. This group of people works best in social areas like client interaction services and customer service. The other group of people has a need for power. In this class of person, they work to their best when they are in charge. They do well in competition hence doing well in goal orient (Daft & Lane, 2008). Employees are the most valuable resources in a company and therefore motivation is essential. Every bright idea, act of selfishness’ for the betterment of the organization, plan on money saving should be rewarded through online point system. An employee motivation increases their morale and reduces the turnover rates. To enhance employees’ motivation the management should break the monotonous of duty to reduce boredom and assign employees to challenging jobs. Secondly, in applying Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, managers do have a responsibility they meet the deficiency needs of the workers. Proper working environment should be created to develop full potential. In addition, the theory of needs requires workers to be assured of job security that lumps employees